Tuesday, January 17, 2017

A Little More About Me

  1. I am from Boalsburg, Pennsylvania. A small historic town located just outside of State College. 
  2. I like experimenting with mixed media and ceramics to create abstract studies and conceptual art. 
  3. I hope to gain more of a familiarity with Adobe Illustrator and Premier. They are both programs that I used in high school (along with Photoshop), though not as frequently. 
  4. The relationship between Visual Studies and computers deals with how computers provide a gateway to visual analysis and study. 
  5. I have a pretty solidified background in regards to Photoshop, as I took classes on it in high school for the program itself and in relation to photography. I used Illustrator to create my senior project, which detailed the fall and spring productions that my school's thespian troupe put forth. 
  6. At my house we use laptops primarily, though our house's desktop computer does not have photoshop. 
  7. I personally use a Macbook pro. 
  8. I use Google Chrome for everything dealing between school work, social media, and shopping. I also use Microsoft word and calendars pretty frequently, both for work in and out of class. Spotify is an essential. 
  9. As well as school work, social media, and shopping, I also use Chrome for study purposes and research. I use my Spotify account to create playlists for everyday needs and run it daily. Microsoft word is utilized for formal papers (traditionally for classes), and calendars to log events and reminders.
  10. My favorite artist at the moment would have to be Yayoi Kusama. I adore her installation work and use of bold color and pattern. 
  11. I have an incredibly diversified taste in music, so the amount of musical artists I would name as "favorites", I can count on two hands. However, I have always shown a liking to the work of Cat Stevens and the Avett Brothers. 
  12. I love volunteering. I did it all through out high school, and consistently look for opportunities to help other people. Whether that means anything from helping out at the Special Olympics, to pursuing fully fledged mission trips, I'm there. 
  13. Once there was a young boy, who enjoyed gardening after school and on his own time. His parents didn't mind at first, though grew weary over time that it didn't conform to proper gender roles. They discouraged him from pursuing an activity that brought him true, untouched happiness. So he stopped. As he grew older, the boy rediscovered an old shoe box with his tools, seeds and gloves... and with a new sense of belonging, returned home with the most exquisite olive tree the world had ever seen.
  14. This photo shows myself along with three others that I spent a month with volunteering at the family camp that I have visited annually for almost two decades. I am now employed as a summer staff member, and absolutely love my job.

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