Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Homework: The Ethics of Digital Manipulation

   Digital manipulation (something that has been around for ages, it seems), is not something that I 100% support. I believe that photoshop can be utilized to create some truly fantastic art, though altering photographs from their natural state has become an every day essential. It is almost necessary for individuals to add on a filter to a post before editing it, or to even change the appearance of the photograph completely. Everyone is guilty of it, including myself. Lodriguss mentions that viewers [of images] know that anything can be done to manipulate an image and have come to trust the fact that they are constantly being lied to (visually). It is important to process reality rather than to manipulate it. This is one of the reasons that I have started to step back from behind the camera a little more and take in my surroundings as they are. Photographers however, utilize this idea of capturing and interpreting reality their own way. I believe that is where the line is drawn between successful digital manipulation and 'taking advantage of your resources' digital manipulation.

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