Thursday, March 2, 2017


       I get the majority of my information from online sources, with exception to social media. I generally refuse to pass on any misinformation until I know for sure that it is 100% true. I use sources such as New York Times and other online newspapers, pretty much any established media organization. If I ever share anything on facebook, I'll do a quick google search to double check that the information that I'm sharing is true. The whole situation with the Trump inauguration was very messy. I know that the media downplayed his ceremony a bit but I 100% believe that generally just has less of a support group behind him. With regards to his reaction and how he handled being belittled by the media, I wasn't surprised. Of course one of the first things that Trump would do during his first day in office would be to criticize and denounce the CIA in reaction to the public opinion. I think that all three of these articles provide insight to both sides of the story, but the New York Times provided the most. Some of it may have been out of context (I don't know), but it truly reveals our President's behavior and details what is yet to come for our country. The term truthiness is very interesting and relevant to the Trump administration, and is something that relates to both sides of his campaign. There are things interpreted by the president that he wants to believe are true based on his personal beliefs, and there are things that the public wants to believe are true based on their opinion of him. The Post-Truth Picture Book is really amusing and ironically true when considering what parents push on their children. A lot of kids transition into adulthoods with opinions that are not their own, based off of what their parents have told them. Something to think about.

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