Thursday, April 6, 2017

Film Artists cont.

Ray Harryhausen: I decided to look into some of Harryhausen's work as I'm familiar with some of the movies he has worked on, but never watched the footage with a critical eye. I found a scene of the 'Jason and the Argonauts Skeleton Fight' and watched it through... I love it. I reminds me of modern day video games almost and though the graphics aren't incredible, they're advanced for the technological period of time. Watching his work makes me feel nostalgic of old movies and also the Princess Bride. :~)
Nam June Paik: I watched "Global Groove" and from that, got a good sense of the artist's style. This was also a very nostalgic watching experience for me. To consider how far technology has progressed within the last 20 years is something I don't really think of all the time. It's when I watch videos such as this, that I really realize how much things have changed. I love the colors incorporated into this video and admire the strong aesthetic.
Michel Gondry: I know Gondry isn't on your list of artists to consider, but his work was extremely influential to the development of film arts during the 1990s. I am a huge fan of his work and love watching music videos that he creates for different musical groups. I am highly intrigued by his use of repetition and think that his work with special effects is extremely successful. Here are a couple of links to some of his videos: (Daft Punk - Around the World) (Kylie Minogue - Come Into My World) (Bjork - Human Behavior)

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