Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Crit Response

Project 3 Breakdown:
- Self Created Element: Hand Written Words
- Found Element: Photographs, Trump logo, landscape images 
- Text: "I want you", and "My administration..." 

Critique Response:
- I wasn't terribly happy with my final project for this assignment. Things that were brought up during the crit were things that I was expecting to hear. I as well as my classmates felt uneasy about the arrangement on the "Attack-Trump" poster, and the hand written elements felt out of place. I spent a fair amount of time putting these two posters together, though the lack of experience I held with Illustrator proved to be a roadblock in my process. I find my lack of experience in digital art frustrating, especially when I have a well thought out vision but not enough knowledge to execute the idea. 

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