Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Project 4 Brainstorm cont.

   My peers were SO helpful yesterday when we discussed my storyboard and film ideas. I've made a fair amount of progress filming already and can't wait to continue. Previous assignments in this class have felt more like projects to me, and this is the first assignment that I identify as something that I could make into a work of art. Nonetheless, I'm excited. Here's some info to summarize my progress so far. 

- The underlying attitude of the film will be quiet and eye opening, maybe give the viewer a sense of contentment 
- To provide to the viewer my passion of environmental awareness and get people interested in the cause (especially concerning recent events with Trump and the EPA)
- To get some really great footage of nature's most important and useful resource 

- No dialogue (I was thinking about this idea too but wanted other opinions), instead using heightened natural sounds 
- Adding a small narrative involved with all of the montage shots 
- Additional "death" idea: flushing a toilet 
- Spelling out life phases using water or using some sort of hand written text (?) 

   I'm creating a montage, so the narrative of my storyboard isn't as important as the videos themselves. I'm mostly working on deciding which shots will be defined as "birth", "life" or "death" and coming up with more ideas. Below is a photo of all of the ideas that I've categorized so far, though the organization isn't as necessary until I've collected everything that I want to use. 

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