Monday, March 6, 2017

Project 3 ideas/sketches

Political controversy: Trump vs. NPS (Trump vs. Environment)

[pro NPS sketches]
pretty self explanatory 
context: business man = business world. turning over national park land to the states 
context: trump's cabinet includes rick perry (an ally of the oil industry), rex tillerson (ex-chief executive officer of exxonmobil), and scott pruitt (who has sued the EPA 13 total times)

nevertheless, she persisted !!!! 
ironic opposition 

[pro trump sketches (i really hate myself for this)]

[not mine]
"you have to think anyway, so why not think big?" - trump
the out of context photo really helped him on this one
could be used in a similar context...
again... i cannot emphasize enough how much i hated doing this

write up: I feel like one of the biggest and most under minded issues with the Trump administration is the dispute with the National Parks Service and his general environmental policies. I care about this issue a lot because I'm a huge advocate for wildlife preservation and the National Parks Service in it's entirety and I identify with the controversy more than anything. One of the things that affects this situation most is the confirmed presidential cabinet and who he has chosen to take a part of his 4 year process (see above). It won't be easy for me to sympathize with him and make the 'opposition' poster, but I definitely feel like I should look into the issue a bit more. I may go over his environmental policies word by word and see how I can use what he's already said. 

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