Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Final Film Thumbnails

Final Film: Water

In honor of World Water Day at the end of last month, I decided to concentrate my film on water interaction. 

This short film details some of it's origins, movement patterns/interactions, and consumptions/distributions.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Minutae 30: Details in Nature

Birch Trees have a peculiar tendency to shed their bark and replenish it with new layers. Just like a snake does. I find this so so so incredible and used to collect shavings when I was a kid

Minutae 29: Details in Nature

Monday, April 17, 2017

Minutiae 28: Details in Nature

there is something so genuine to me about finding a four leaf clover ~ it's something my mom and I would spend hours trying to do together when I was younger

Minutiae 27: Details in Nature

i found like a bunch of 4-5 leaf clovers the other day and now i feel really lucky wow!!

Monday, April 10, 2017

Minutiae 26: Details in Nature

nobody pays attention to dead nature.

Minutiae 25: Details in Nature

Bruce Nauman 
Contrapposto Studies, I through VII 


   I felt like I was sitting in that room for hours, completely overwhelmed by motion and film. I love the broken down components of this installation. And I really like it's repetitive nature. The artist uses a really simple gesture and creates something so complex and so enormous. I watched each video projection (I think there were 6 or 7 in total) individually and then proceeded to try and experience the installation as a whole. It's funny sometimes how media can play such an influential and decisive contributor to how we react under certain circumstances. 

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Film Artists cont.

Ray Harryhausen: I decided to look into some of Harryhausen's work as I'm familiar with some of the movies he has worked on, but never watched the footage with a critical eye. I found a scene of the 'Jason and the Argonauts Skeleton Fight' and watched it through... I love it. I reminds me of modern day video games almost and though the graphics aren't incredible, they're advanced for the technological period of time. Watching his work makes me feel nostalgic of old movies and also the Princess Bride. :~)
Nam June Paik: I watched "Global Groove" and from that, got a good sense of the artist's style. This was also a very nostalgic watching experience for me. To consider how far technology has progressed within the last 20 years is something I don't really think of all the time. It's when I watch videos such as this, that I really realize how much things have changed. I love the colors incorporated into this video and admire the strong aesthetic.
Michel Gondry: I know Gondry isn't on your list of artists to consider, but his work was extremely influential to the development of film arts during the 1990s. I am a huge fan of his work and love watching music videos that he creates for different musical groups. I am highly intrigued by his use of repetition and think that his work with special effects is extremely successful. Here are a couple of links to some of his videos:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7exajMfNiFQ (Daft Punk - Around the World)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63vqob-MljQ&list=PLQeiidx_FRqVfP94uj2WJfv-SxuamHRmS (Kylie Minogue - Come Into My World)
https://youtu.be/KDbPYoaAiyc (Bjork - Human Behavior)

Preparatory Premier Video 4/6

Monday, April 3, 2017

3/30 Makeup Work / Research

The Science of Sleep: I didn't get to watch the entire film, though the clips and trailer I watched proved to catch my interest. Gondry's work is obviously a bit outdated and came off a little tacky but I understand how well he incorporated different elements of film making. Sleep and dreaming is something that I'm researching for another class so that may have also pushed my interest. I'm particularly taken by the credits in the trailer and the stop motion portion of the film, I think it's really pleasant to watch. I became intrigued with the stop motion technique ever since I saw a music video in middle school created by one of my favorite artists (which funny enough, also captures the subject of sleep).

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_HXUhShhmY (Her Morning Elegance / Oren Lavie)


Bill Viola: I had studied some of Viola's work in high school and quickly found it to my liking. His personal style feels very raw and futuristic while he creates conceptual videos with real people and real things. As an artist, he believes that 'the world inside his head is more real than the outside world'.
Valie Export: I watched "Invisible Adversaries", which details psychic disintegration, and covers one year in the life of the subject. I found it very raw and held a very exposé manner to it, as well as some of her other work. I'm not sure if it's my preferred style, but I like how straightforward each shot is with minimal editing.
Shirin Neshat: Neshat is another artist I had studied in high school, and her work is inspiring. It deals almost exclusively with relevant and controversial subject manner. Her photography is great as well.
Peter Campus: The special effects that Campus uses reminds me a lot of the tacky projects that I have created during this semester. I like it and I think it's weird to look at and I feel imbalanced watching it.
Marilyn Minter: I love how simple her subject matter is, and how it conveys complex meaning. I am also very taken with how her work conveys movement and how movement is such an essential part to each clip. It's messy and complicated yet also simple at the same time.

Minutiae 24: Details in Nature

growing up i had always collected leaves with my family during each fall and was easily intrigued by their colors and how they change over time

Minutiae 23: Details in Nature